
In June 2012, several BoardingArea bloggers met for dinner in New York City after a full day of BlogWorld activities (BoardingArea has a long history in sponsoring its bloggers to such educational events as BlogWorld/NMX/New Media Expo). The conversation was so stimulating and the company so delightful that many of them met again after the Chicago Seminars in October 2012. At both dinners, everyone marveled at the sheer amount of quality information learned during the days’ sessions. And more than a few floated the idea of a BoardingArea blogger “retreat” – a sort of mini-conference with hyper-relevant sessions and fun social events.

Dreaming up good ideas is one thing; turning good ideas into great ideas and making them reality is another altogether. The enthusiasm was contagious, and before long it had infected many of the other BoardingArea bloggers, the House of Miles staff, and me as well. With the foundation set, the first ever BoardingArea blogger conference – BACON – took place in 2013 in Colorado Springs, CO—home of the House of Miles.

always up to something


Check out more information on our upcoming BAcon events

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